What Type of Signage is Right for Your Business

Your sign is the first thing your new customer will see. Let’s be sure it represents your brand well. 

Firstly, where is the sign going? Let’s break it down into two categories.

Exterior Signage: These signs are placed outside your business and include Channel Letters, Pylons Signs, Box Signs, Monument signs, Digital Boards, Window Graphics & Banners. Ultimately, it needs to drive business to your door. 

Interior Signage: These signs are used inside your business to enhance the overall experience of your brand. It may guide customers, promote products, or reinforce your message. This includes (& not limited to) Custom Signage, Way-Finding Signs, Wall Wraps, Digital Displays & Menu Boards. 

Okay, lets get a little more specific on the most common types of exterior business signs used. 

(All of these examples were fabricated, installed & photographed by our team)

Channel Letters: Channel Letters are a widely used solution for brick & mortar businesses. They’re illuminated signage made of Vinyl, LED’s, aluminum & acrylic. 

Box Signs: Box Signs are another common solution for store fronts. They’re typically an LED illuminated aluminum box with an acrylic or polycarbonate face. 

Box Signs

Pylon Signs: Pylon Signs are normally way up in the air! Typically, we’re mounting a light box a top a pole.

Pylon signs for blog

Digital Board/Monument Sign: Digital Display boards are an excellent way to draw attention to your business. These signs can be mounted alone on a pylon, store front or constructed into a monument sign.Monument signs with digital boards

Flat Signs: Flat signs are extremely versatile! They can either be used as a cost efficient option for your signage or integrated into larger signs that are non-illuminated.

flat signs for blog

Dimensional Lettering: Dimensional lettering can be lit or non-illuminated. The material we commonly use in our shop are Acrylic, Aluminum & High Density Urethane (Sign Foam.)

3D lettering Signs, Back 2 Health, Massage, East Side Youth Center

Local Regulations and Permits:

We can’t discuss exterior signage without mentioning Township/City Zoning regulations. You may check local zoning laws and regulations regarding signage before planning your new design. Or leave it up to us to take care of this process. 

Installation and Maintenance:

Plan for the installation and ongoing maintenance of your signage. Regular upkeep is essential to ensure your signage remains effective and presentable.


Curated by Scott Marlin